Andrea Rubik

PhD Business Economics

You are on the landing page for my doctoral dissertation. It was completed and submitted in November 2021 and defended in January 2022. On the following pages, you will find:

A summary of the dissertation

A list of practical implications of research findings

Abstracts of two papers that go along with my dissertation

Speaking engagements and publications

The work with a doctoral dissertation is a learning process that involves several people, and their inputs and perspectives were valuable.

<aside> 🎓 My supervisor is Professor Mislav Ante Omazić. I am thankful for his exceptional support and help, advice, tirelessness, and positive energy throughout the dissertation process.


<aside> 🎓 Thanks to Professor Mirjana Pejić Bach, Professor Morana Fudurić, and Professor Daniel Rukare for the research advice, Committee members Professor Jurica Pavičić and Associated Professor Jasmina Dlačić for defense lead and discussion, ETH Zurich Strategic Management and Innovation team for learning and inspiration from seminars, and Professor Liliana Caimacan for giving me the opportunity to speak about change and innovation as a guest lecturer at Hult International Business School.


If you want to read the entire dissertation, email me, and I will reply with the link to the dissertation.

Join me in celebrating intellectual curiosity and innovation. Let’s uncover new horizons together.

Dr. Andrea Rubik

January 2022